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Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Lately, I have been hearing about lots of suicides due to bullying, more than I ever have before. I think that this is terrible. Bullying has been going on for a while now and so many teens are committing suicide in result. Schools, parents, and police need to be more aware of bullying and find effective ways to fix it. I do not think bullying can be prevented completely because you can’t control what other children do or say, but I definitely think there should be harsh consequences. In the past month I have heard of five different teens committing suicide. Tyler Clementi, Billy Lucas, Asher Brown, Seth Walsh, and Eric Mohah all committed suicide after being bullied due to being gay.  Eric Mohah was one of four teens who had commited suicide because of bullying in his school. I think it is terrible that four teens in the same school have all killed themselves.  After one suicide, the school should have been watching out for bullies and making sure it didn’t happen again. I think there should be laws against bullying or at least serious consequences because it is terrible that bullying can get so bad, to the point where someone takes their own life.

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